Wednesday, 2 June 2021


 Hi Folks!

Yes, the surgery was done and completed within the same day which is what I wanted. I am told that the doctor who performed the surgery is the best in the country. Either way, I'm just glad it is over. Hopefully, the healing will go without incident and not like last time. Time will tell.


The temperatures here have gone straight from needing heating to very warm outside all in a couple of days! Most folks ask "how do you keep warm in the winter" when the question should be "how do you keep cool in the summer?"

I hope those of you in the States had a pleasant holiday. It is a holiday here (England) but it's not called nor celebrated in the same way. Here it's just what they call a bank holiday. I've never quite figured out how that differs from a non-bank holiday but for sure the banks are closed.



  It is amazing how things change as we age. Things that used to take me an hour to do, now takes me a week. Who knew? The above graphic was...