Tuesday, 18 April 2023


 It is amazing how things change as we age. Things that used to take me an hour to do, now takes me a week. Who knew? The above graphic was sent to me today and it expresses how I now feel. I bet there are those of you who know exactly what I mean.

Spring is arriving (slowly) here so life is looking better for me. We get to go away this year which will be the first time since before Covid started. Since we’re not traveling in our boat, it means we must pack luggage. This also means we must buy luggage that we really didn’t need much before.

Other than those events, there is nothing much new, but I sure hope those of you that follow me here are having a good start to this year. There are some that are no longer with us so enjoy your time alive. One never knows what tomorrow brings.

The other news is that I have finally gotten started on my book I’ve been told to write. My life is a little different than what one might call average. It will mostly be for my children so they know things that they can then pass on and know about. For those of you my age, you might want to think about writing a book to pass on to your children/grandchildren. Think how wonderful it might have been for our mothers to have done such a thing for you to read.

Have a good day and I’ll be back soon. (or so I hope)



Friday, 24 February 2023


It's been quite some time since I've been here so I am planning to change that now.

I read what I consider interesting so hopefully at some point I will hit upon something that catches your attention.

My health has worsened so I can’t do as much off of the computer as I used to do. Those of you who know me well, know that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME). Mostly it is just what it says. I am tired most of the time along with joint pain but enough about that.

I came across something disturbing about computer keyboards. Ever since they were available, I have always used a keyboard that included a numerical section to the right. What is disturbing is the amount of new computers that do not include this. I’ve just read an article that explains that. If you’re not looking closely, you could end up coming home with a new computer that doesn’t have one and for me that would be horrid. A link to the article can be found at the link below. Click and enjoy.

What Is a Tenkeyless Keyboard?

That’s my tidbit for today and you should be seeing me more often starting today.

Here’s a smile to end with:

A cable TV installer walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, "You'll be served sometime between 7am and 2pm."


Friday, 15 April 2022



I am wishing you a Happy Easter weekend and hoping you can share with family and friends.

Spring has finally sprung here so that makes me happy. We have had some sadness in our family but all we can do is look forward.

With the good weather, some of the aches and pains are receding and hopefully, we will be able to get out more with the good weather. We are both having our fill of doctor/hospital visits, but things could always be worse. Positive thoughts are the order of the day.

I do hope this finds everyone doing well and if not, just keep looking forward.

Stay safe!!


Sunday, 13 February 2022




Today is also a special day in addition to the obvious. My daughter’s birthday is today, and she is a very special daughter. The world would be a dreary place without her in it and I’m pleased she is my daughter. I am so proud of her.
Happy Birthday, Lisa!!!!

For the rest of you, I am hoping you are having a nice day. I am with the love of my life and the day we met was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Friends! We don’t often think of friends on this day, but they are so important. It’s not very often you are able to have a good friend. They are hard to come by. Fortunately for me, I have met so many wonderful folks online and I consider them friends. Some I’ve known for years and others not so long, but you just know when you’ve found one. Take a moment today to let your friends know how important they are. In my case, you know who you are.

Did You Know?

The Valentine’s Day tradition of giving a box of candy was started in the 19th century by Richard Cadbury, a scion of a British chocolate manufacturing family. With a new technique recently established at the company to create more varieties of chocolate, Cadbury pounced on the opportunity to sell the chocolates as part of the beloved holiday.  

I’ll close here with a smile someone shared with me. More truth here than can be expressed. 😊

Elaine M.


  It is amazing how things change as we age. Things that used to take me an hour to do, now takes me a week. Who knew? The above graphic was...